Verification Authority
"Gee Em I Verify"

"GEM VERIFY" EOOD is a company, registered in the Commercial Register at the Registration Agency with EIC 205263612, with registered office and address of management: city. Sofia, is it. Todor Alexandrov, 137, meat. 1

The verification body ensures that reported emissions and related disclosures are free from material misstatements, avoids bias in the selection and presentation of information and provides a credible and balanced account of emissions from installations.

Operator, desiring verification of a report must submit a request to the Verification Authority. The request must be in writing and received physically, by fax or e-mail.

The request must include sufficient information, on the basis of which the Verification Authority may agree to conclude a contract. In case of non-acceptance of the requests, the operator is notified in writing or by email.

The request is discussed internally by the management staff and within seven days a response is given to the customer.

An announcement or invitation to perform verification is also treated as a request, within the meaning of the Public Procurement Act or another form of inquiry with the provision of sufficient prior information.

If it counts, that the Verification Authority has the factual and legal ability to perform verification, proceed to conclude a Verification Agreement.

Notifying the operator of the acceptance of the request can be made by telephone.

In case of non-acceptance of the requests, the operator is notified in writing or by email.